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calling those from Scotland!


New Member
My PCT is Renfrewshire & Inverclyde Primary Care NHS Trust i was wondering if anyone knew what their critria is for wls is? i don;t think they have a website as i cant find one but im not far from there offices but i dont htink they'd be too pleased with me just turning up at the door and asking for information i could phone but....:eek:

yeh so any info would be great
Hiya - I live in Paisley which comes under Greater Glasgow now and I got NHS surgery with a BMI of 44 and PCOS, arthritis and insulin intolerance as my co- morbidities. You have to go through the weight management system to get referred which I did.

Hope this helps!
Hi I live in Crianlarich!
I'm not much help I'm afraid as I went privately to Manchester Spire!
Good luck!
Thanks guys!

Lost inmy30's i also have PCOS the main reason i want to have surgery becuase i have lost weight before (8stone) and its creeping back on! i know my GP said he would tranfare me to weight mangement in Glasgow and they'll decide from there whats best for me but yeh.

Can i ask how long it took you to get to surgery and what they made you do?

BTW way I live in Elderslie.

At 5 feet 3 and my current weight i am considered morbidily obese.

The Gp's surgery i go to has a weight mangerment program that i have been in for six or years plus on and off Xenical
i don't know they'll probably tell me i'll need to do it through them at the hospital then they'll decide.

thanks for the information though lostinmy30's!!!
Hi end-it. I'm from Glasgow but went to Manchester Spire same as Andrea for my op.

Having spoken to a few Renfrewshire / Inverclyde folk at the weight management course - they had all been refused funding, no matter what their co-morbidities. In fact 'lostinmy30's' is the only person I know who has had funding.

My own GP who is extremely sympathetic told me that their budget is getting smaller and smaller and that I had 0% chance of funding. Thats why I went to Spire at my own expense.

I also have PCOS, have had xenical (twice) and attended the weight management programme in Paisley.

Sorry if that seems a bit doom 'n' gloom but maybe by the time you have finished the weight management course things may be up and running at the Jubilee in Clydebank??

Have you been referred to the course in Paisley yet?
Aye biggy i thought that would be the answer i'd hear no funding blah blah blah. that all renfrewshire council has to say
no money, dont get me started!

Sadly i don;t have the money to go private i'm single and i dont work that'll give you an idea of my money situation. I no kids either.

as per usual looks like im outta luck before i even begin.

My Dad thinks we;re under greater glasgow but i'm not sure.

No My Doctor wants me to go to weight managment in GLasgow can;t remember where he said though i think in one of the hospitals i know he said it runs every month.

i've been on Xenital three times on my four try now and not getting very far.

i know a private hospital in glasgow does banding and its nearly £5000

i didnt eat myself into this state my PCOS did it for me if anything i under eat not overeat theres no treatment for PCOS its a fight to get anything done hoops to jump through and unsymapathtic doctors and uncaring ones who dont have the time of day for you.

yeah and thats not the half of it
im suee many other people have had the same problems as me. least im not alone but i sure as hell feel it.
Don't give up yet!....as I mentioned, there's been talk for a couple of years now about the Jubilee in Clydebank doing a lot more ops, so push your GP as much as you can.

Write down everything you've tried, diets, slimming classes etc so that if you do get referred you can plead a good case. You have already been on the GP's weight loss programme and had xenical so your history is on record, add to that you PCOS and you could build a solid case.

Ask your GP outright for a referral, at the very least they will arrange the first step - an organised pre-referral weightloss programme usually in tandem with a fitness programme.

I know there are others on the forum who have successfully petitioned their case even after being refused funding so maybe someone on here can advise?

Best of luck with everything and don't give up!!

Take care.
Well my PCOS was DX ten years ago (17 years old) and my weight was there since i was seven years old.

i have been to the hospitals to see diet whatever they are more than i can count on my hands and toes together.

As for fittness and exercising i couldnt do due to chronic fatigue. they also know this as well. its due to sleeping badly at night due to mental health issues and being up for days at a time i can manage nearly 2 hours with my dog then i need to come home and sleep or rest. people dont understand all this there is so much going on inside me in my head in my body and it all probably wouldnt make a diff to them because they dont understand they've never had to walk in our shoes before!!!

i always swore to myself if i had to sell my soul to the devil myself i would get the money to go privatly for the surgery
but theres the cost of the surgery then the doctors appointment then the follow up appointment s and post and pre op care and diets bloody hell you know?

UGH sorry ive went on just tell me to shut up
nobody wants to hear this rubbish!