Ok, the carbs lecture!
There are 2 types of carbs-
Simple (or refined) carbs - these are generally processed or white, and include white and brown bread, white pasta, white rice and white potatoes, crisps, and flour based items such as pastry, pizza bases, cakes and biscuits.
Complex carbs - these are the wholemeals, wholemeal pasta, brown rice, wholemeal bread, sweet potatoes, wholegrain cereals.
Simple carbs break down very quickly in the stomach, consequently you can eat more of them volume wise than protein based foods. They also cause sugar cravings and make you want more simple carbs. They cause your blood sugar to rise quickly then plummet right down. The carbs are broken down into sugars approx 1-2 hours after eating, and consequently can cause delayed dumping. So even if an item says less than 5g sugars per 100g, if it's full of simple carbs it can still make you dump. Particularly if you had say a peice of white toast for breakfast then an hour later a high sugar item such as a small glass of fruit juice. On it's own, the juice would normally be ok, but combined with the sugars from the simple carbs in the toast it can send you off to dumpsville!
Complex carbs are broken down much slower, and cause a more stable blood sugar. The slow breaking down means the sugars that are made are more gradually released and so won't cause dumping.
The one that catches most people out is brown bread. It's no better than white bread and is not a complex carb.
Ideally, for optimum weight loss your main meals should be 2 parts protein to 1 part complex carbs. Add to that 2-3 protein snacks and you'll be grand.
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