Hi all. I've been up all night with terrible pain. Not in my tummy, but in my chest. It feels like I've swollowed something and it's stuck. Which is impossible cos I've had nothing. After attending support group meeting all I had was tea before bed. It's a little better when I sit or stand up. It's that sore I nearly went to A & E. and although it feels like something stuck in my chest I am managing to drink and swallow okay, as keep sipping water. I've also had paracetomol to help ease pain. It's just very sore and as I lie, it throbs too. Also out of breath a bit. Anyone had this? Any idea's? Will see if eases through out morning if not will go to docs or A & E. help.
By the way I am 18 days post op open bypass.
By the way I am 18 days post op open bypass.