So... I met with Mr Ahmed at Derby who has agreed to put me on the waiting list in 3 months time providing I don't gain any weight and surgery should be in summer.
the choice of surgery is up to me but he would recommend a gastric bypass.
im worried about the mortality rates of the bypass because its 1 in 200 and I have a young toddler son to think about.
I initially said I wanted the band but Mr Ahmed said Derby's success rate is only about 30 percent of excess weight with the band so it wouldn't suit me.
im now leaning towards sleeve gastrecomy has anyone had this? how successful was it and what was recovery like?
the choice of surgery is up to me but he would recommend a gastric bypass.
im worried about the mortality rates of the bypass because its 1 in 200 and I have a young toddler son to think about.
I initially said I wanted the band but Mr Ahmed said Derby's success rate is only about 30 percent of excess weight with the band so it wouldn't suit me.
im now leaning towards sleeve gastrecomy has anyone had this? how successful was it and what was recovery like?