Hi rach, and welcome.
I was referred to a Weight Loss Clinic from my GP Surgery.
Had to visit them once a month for 6mth, then she passed me over to the hospital. She said my funding was guarenteed as soon as she passed me over. My Local Hospital has a one-stop appointment afternoon, where you are shown a slide show with a Diet Nurse, speaking about the procedures offered (Band, Bypass). The i went in to see one of the Consultants, who asked which type of surgery i was considering? I told him i wanted the bypass and explained my reasons. (Sweet Tooth, fear of diabetes - family history).
He agreed the bypass would be the better option for me. From him, i went in to see the Surgeon - Mr Ammori. He was really nice, said he agreed about me having the bypass. Gave me a couple of booklets about the post diet and surgery procedure and sent me off to have bloods taken. I had an app to see the pshycologist the following Monday, which went fine, she approved me fit for surgery (Wasn't some mental case - thank god)

I am now waiting to attend my Sleep Study app (2wk away), where i will be given a peice of equipment to take home and wear thru the night, taking it back the following morning. Then the big wait for surgery date!!!!
I do hope your quest for funding on the NHS pays off, but as some ppl say - its a post code lottery!!
Keep us updated, i will keep reading your journey.
Good Luck. x