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Couldn't Blummin Believe It!!!


New Member
Couldn't believe it have done everything to the book, have not showered, have cleaned it properly, dried it properly and my wound still managed to get infected - so now I am on antibiotics for a week and have to go yet another 1-2 weeks minus a shower/bath. I am seriously going to start smelling like a tramp (no offence to tramps although I am sure there are none reading this), Healthier Weight have been fab though I must say. I went up to Birmingham today so they could have a look and to have a thorough clean.

All I want now is to have a good night sleep and to be able to sleep on my side without a pillow cushioning my tum and have a nice long bath.

Ahh well on the up side I have lost 18lb since my initial consultation - so what is they say - No Pain No Gain :eek::cry::D

Ll soon be a distant memory and all you ll remember is the weight loss. Good luck in your journey xxx
Well done on the weightloss... infections are quiet common... and unfortunately... no matter how clean somebody is.. an infection can be caused by the tiniest of particals. i had to have anti b's aswell xx
Poor you! Congratulations on the weight loss though - hope it clears up quickly x
Well dun on the weight loss :) hope infection clears up soon x

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Well done on your weight loss, unfortunately with any kind of surgery there is a risk of infections, it will soon clear up and be a distant memory, Wishing you speedy recovery and hope it clears up soon xx
Oh dear , I showered twice a day with mine but had great dressings on that were waterproof hope your better soon x

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Hi Guys,
Thank you for all your comments. The infection is slowly clearing up but I haven't managed cling film shower or a 3" bath yet – to be honest I'd rather air on the side of caution and wait until it has stopped weeping (although I think by that time I will be weeping harder). So I must carry on with the flannel (we are becoming the best of friends) for the time being. I think that I have found the source of the infection though, I believe it to be caused by an allergic reaction to the dressings. Since I have changed dressings it has come on leaps and bounds. I have now just started on the purée stage so any recommendations would be kindly received.
Robyn xx