Does anyone have any tips re. sleeping with a full mask & CPAP machine?
I've had my machine a few weeks now and I'm still not getting used to it
I tend to go to bed really late as I have to be really, really tired in order to get off to sleep with the mask & machine on. When I do get off to sleep, I have about 3 or hours of very sound sleep. The trouble is that I'm now going to bed at around 3am; sleeping well until 6am - 7am before needing the toilet. When I get back into bed I just can't face wearing the mask again so I doze off without it until I awake.
The strange thing is that I'm not too tired, in fact I can't remember the last time I felt so alert
It's not just that it's a real drag having to stay up so late just to be tired enough to sleep with the CPAP, but I have to be settled with this machine for 6 weeks before I can move to the next stage of my journey to WLS.
Speaking with the bariatric nurse today, I was informed that the anesthetist would like me stable and comfortable with the CPAP before they can give me any idea of a date. The good news is that my situation was discussed with the medical team involved with my WLS and as I have type 2 diabetes they have agreed to carry-out a gastric bypass.

As I breath through my mouth and not my nose, whilst sleeping, the nurse at the sleep clinic recommended a full face mask as opposed to the 'nose pillows' that they offer those that primarily breath through their nose. I have a slightly deviated septum so perhaps I'm doomed to get used to the mask
So, if anyone has any tips or tricks to help me get used to this machine, I'd be very grateful
Does anyone have any tips re. sleeping with a full mask & CPAP machine?
I've had my machine a few weeks now and I'm still not getting used to it
The strange thing is that I'm not too tired, in fact I can't remember the last time I felt so alert
It's not just that it's a real drag having to stay up so late just to be tired enough to sleep with the CPAP, but I have to be settled with this machine for 6 weeks before I can move to the next stage of my journey to WLS.
Speaking with the bariatric nurse today, I was informed that the anesthetist would like me stable and comfortable with the CPAP before they can give me any idea of a date. The good news is that my situation was discussed with the medical team involved with my WLS and as I have type 2 diabetes they have agreed to carry-out a gastric bypass.
As I breath through my mouth and not my nose, whilst sleeping, the nurse at the sleep clinic recommended a full face mask as opposed to the 'nose pillows' that they offer those that primarily breath through their nose. I have a slightly deviated septum so perhaps I'm doomed to get used to the mask
So, if anyone has any tips or tricks to help me get used to this machine, I'd be very grateful