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Day 2


New Member
Day two of my liver shrinking diet I'm
Really struggling mentally it's doing my nut I just have to keep reminding my self of the bigger picture and what I'm
Trying to achieve here
Christ no wonder I got to the place I am it's a real battle of Wills , Any one seen the film animal house and the scene with the devil on one shoulder and the angel on the other and there both saying there bit thats seriously what I'm dealing with
Stick with it. Its all worth it!!

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jonnywin said:
Day two of my liver shrinking diet I'm
Really struggling mentally it's doing my nut I just have to keep reminding my self of the bigger picture and what I'm
Trying to achieve here
Christ no wonder I got to the place I am it's a real battle of Wills , Any one seen the film animal house and the scene with the devil on one shoulder and the angel on the other and there both saying there bit thats seriously what I'm dealing with

I know the feeling I'm on day 3 but It will be worth it in then end when's your op date, where you having it done
Well good luck
Me to you be thinking of you along with every one the site don't no where I'd be with out the support and encouragement of every one on the site
Hi Johnnywin,

I am on the liver shrinkage diet too. I am just thinking of how it helps to get you ready for the op. I found that have a milky coffee early in the day fills me up. The I have 2 soups for lunch and 2 mullerlite yoghurts and then the same again in the evening. I also have lots of drinks - sugar free squash, tea, coffee to fill me up.

I am keeping myself busy by having a huge to do list of all the things I have to do before the op. My op is a week later than yours but Prof Finer wanted me to do the pre-op diet for 3 weeks - aren't I the lucky one.

Keep focused on how marvellous your new future is going to be and how it is going to open up your life and opportunities.

Good Luck. Cheers Marian
jonnywin said:
Well good luck
Me to you be thinking of you along with every one the site don't no where I'd be with out the support and encouragement of every one on the site

I know the feeling I'm so glad I came on here if it wasn't for my sister in law as she is having her op on the 9 of jan so she got a bit more time.
cost said:
Hi Johnnywin,

I am on the liver shrinkage diet too. I am just thinking of how it helps to get you ready for the op. I found that have a milky coffee early in the day fills me up. The I have 2 soups for lunch and 2 mullerlite yoghurts and then the same again in the evening. I also have lots of drinks - sugar free squash, tea, coffee to fill me up.

I am keeping myself busy by having a huge to do list of all the things I have to do before the op. My op is a week later than yours but Prof Finer wanted me to do the pre-op diet for 3 weeks - aren't I the lucky one.

Keep focused on how marvellous your new future is going to be and how it is going to open up your life and opportunities.

Good Luck. Cheers Marian

When you having yours and where abouts
Hi Jonnywin,

It was an interesting day 2 for me as I was out with my dad and there was a meal served - you try explaining to a group of masons that you can't join them in a 4 course Christmas meal!! In the end we compromised and I was served some lovely homemade vegetable soup and plenty of diet coke!!

Today has been better except for having the hiccoughs and still needing to drink another pint of milk - guess what I'm having for supper with my meds?

Hope it's going well for you today,

Hi Tatiana

Start of day four for me today I guess it's getting slightly easier

Been a difficult weekend this is possibly the first weekend in a VERY long time I'm not been able to have a drink in a way cant wait to get back to work lol crazy

Hope it's getting better for you . Xxx
Hi Jonnywin,

Here we are at day 7 of our pre-op liver shrinkage diet, how are you getting on?

I have found I am not hitting the calorie requirement, the other saying barely managed 700 cals despite having 2 big (600ml) cartons of soup and 4 pots of yoghurt. Have decided I need to eat more soup.

Only a week to go for you but a little longer for me - 9 days!

Hiya tatiana

I'm doing well still not easy but I'm plodding and no cheating at all so that's great

As for calories I'm not really concerning my self to much with that I'm just having exactly what they told me to have on my sheet which I'm presuming is the correct thing to be doing but I'm averaging about 800 calories a day but that's by having. My. 4 soups 4 yogurts and a pint of milk but that's exactly what it says on my sheet mind you I'm not counting the pint of semi skimmed milk a day I'm having on that colorie count not really sure how Many there is in a pint of semi skimmed

I really hope your doing well ? This time next week shuld be recovering from my op Xx
Hi Jonnywin,

I use the 1% fat milk and that has 40 calories/100mls, 3.1g protein and 4.6g carbohydrate. Am not sure, without looking, how much more there is in semi skimmed milk.

I'm getting on well, no head hunger or carb withdrawal headache. Feel full all the time and have to push myself to finish the days food/drink requirements!

Off to get sleep study monitor tomorrow afternoon so a fun night ahead of me with that!

Hope tomorrow is another good day!

are you on a milk diet or a low carb diet hun?
Hi Rayne,

I haves choice from 4 options and can do a different one each day if I want.

The choices are
- 5 pints of milk
- 2 pints of milk and 4 pots of yoghurt
- 4 pots yoghurt, 4 cans soup and 200mls milk
- 900-1000 calorie food diet
