New Member
Hiya Guys and Gals
Well as u all know I been having some bad reflux problems and decided to get me band checked out today, just as well I did as it was almost full
- I thought I had 5 mil in a 7 mil band , turns out I had 6 & 1/2 mil in it
No wonder I been having problems. Anyhow I had the 1 & 1/2 mil out and back to 5 mil again. Saw the surgeon whilst I was there ( and dietician) u should have seen their faces when they saw me ( wished I had a camera) , their jaws dropped and couldn't believe it was me 
He even gave me a cuddle and congratulated me on losing all that weight and said my Bmi and weight are picture perfect and I am his model patient
wot a lift that was . Dietician was happy with everything and told me not to lose any more weight, who would have thought it , a dietician saying not to lose any more weight lol ..I now weigh 57 kg - I am just overwhelmed tbh and what they said about bmi being perfect etc gave me a real boost. 
Now just gotta wait and see how the reflux goes
- Much love 2 all xxx
Well as u all know I been having some bad reflux problems and decided to get me band checked out today, just as well I did as it was almost full