Hi all me again just thought id pop on n let everyone know how things are goin! iv had the results from the 2 blood tests i had done last week and it turns out i have type 2 diabetes. i went to see my doctor this morning who informed me of this yet he said my cholesterol was perfect but still prescribed me simvastatin.. why i do not know!!. that was all he prescribed me. then we got on to talking about my funding application being rejected and i explained to him that i had been told by pals that it was because the surgeon hadnt put in a individual funding request only a general request! the doc said that he didnt understand why n hadnt even recieved a letter from the hospital or anything! and that he was goin to look in to it further if i could get the name of the person at the pct that he should write to again. he then asked me to make an appointment with a nurse for diabetic screening to check my eyes n feet etc. i did this n have a appointment at the beginning of september.so off i went prescription in hand trying to get my head around things. it wasnt til a bit later in the afternoon that i realised that all the doctor had actually said to me about type 2 diabetes was to make another appointment with the nurse. no mention of medication or anything. so i rang him back and was told that i have to wait til my appointment with the nurse to sort out meds n stuff but that appointment isnt for another month! surely they should sort somthing before then n why has he prescribed me simvastatin if my cholesterol is fine? and sorry to be a pain but i have found everyones advice on here so helpful before that i thought that someone may be able to enlighten me as to why the doctor thinks this is acceptable and what i should be doing in the next month to help with the diabetes i.e things to avoid etc. as for the funding side of things i have been in contact with pals to find out what/who we have to write to again and am waiting for a fonecall on monday from someone who can help.. sorry again for the long post