For three days I have had very watery, almost black diarrhoea. I do not feel ill. I am drinking plenty, and my wee is pale so I am not dehydrated due to the pooing. My food is as it should be, fat free, sugar free etc. It is NOT dumping. Sorry to be so graphic - there are no symptoms at all - I just get an urge to go to the loo and when I go, one 'push' and it literally just pours out like water from a tap. The first day it happened almost every couple of hours. Yesterday was only twice and today only once - so far.
Do people think I should be concerned?
Should I go to the docs or just wait to see if it stops over the next day or so.
Do people think I should be concerned?
Should I go to the docs or just wait to see if it stops over the next day or so.