Wants to crunch
I was due to see the Dietician at the same appointment as the Endocrinologist in September, but she over-ran with her previous patient and I didn't get to see her
, I was told I'd get another appointment sent thru :8855: Well it's now been nearly 4 months and I still haven't seen her. I call her weekly but she's always on ansaphone, I also get the Endocrinologist secretary to call her and leave a message AAAAAAAGH
I don't know what to do. Do I take the risk of pi**ing her off? I feel like she's got me in a corner really, as her report will sanction me to see the surgeon and don't wanna upset her, but I don't want to hang around quietly neither! The booking office said that I may get seen sometime at the end of Feb that's another 2 months away. It just seems so unfair because it wasn't my fault that I didn't get to see her in September :sigh: What would you do?? Sorry for ranting x