New Member
Hi everyone.
Hope you are all well. Firstly wanted to thank you for your support after my bypass was cancelled, supposed to have been on tuesday, but now they have confirmed i will be having it done on Nov 25th:cry:. Gutted to say the least, anyway my little girl was poorly on that day and would have hated to have left her,even though she is fine now, but my little lad has now got it, never rains eh ....
Anyway my dilemma is that i was obviously on my pre diet op and have lost a stone bringing me to just over 14 stone, i dont want to go back to normal eating as i feel so much better in myself, but i`m scared that if i lose to much weight, they will tell me i dont need my op, and i know that if i dont have it, i will only put the weight back on at some point and more, like i usually do. Really dont know what to do, just feel like crying, Nov 25th is so far away, plus i`ve got the in laws from hell
staying for the week end. Also i`m petrified they will cancel my op again in November.
Sorry to sound like such a whinge bag, but no one understands like you lovely people xxxx
Hope you are all well. Firstly wanted to thank you for your support after my bypass was cancelled, supposed to have been on tuesday, but now they have confirmed i will be having it done on Nov 25th:cry:. Gutted to say the least, anyway my little girl was poorly on that day and would have hated to have left her,even though she is fine now, but my little lad has now got it, never rains eh ....
Anyway my dilemma is that i was obviously on my pre diet op and have lost a stone bringing me to just over 14 stone, i dont want to go back to normal eating as i feel so much better in myself, but i`m scared that if i lose to much weight, they will tell me i dont need my op, and i know that if i dont have it, i will only put the weight back on at some point and more, like i usually do. Really dont know what to do, just feel like crying, Nov 25th is so far away, plus i`ve got the in laws from hell
Sorry to sound like such a whinge bag, but no one understands like you lovely people xxxx