Hi Tracie. I'm from Birmingham so i don't know if it will be different where you are but when i went to the information seminar there were smokers there that had been invited too and apparently if you've been invited to the seminar you've already been approved for surgery. So as far as i know smokers will still get the op. The lady at the seminar did say something about having to take certain tablets and injections for longer though to prevent ulcers which i think you're more prone to if you're a smoker.
It's really great you have been to the doctors and are on the road to quitting. I think everyone on here can understand addiction to some extent because we all do have those problems with food. A life times habit is extremely hard to change. No easy feat at all!! I've never smoked so can't understand myself how hard it must be to quit after so long but you're definitely making a great start so be proud of yourself for taking such a big step and keep it up! one day, one hour, sometimes even one minute at a time is all we can do but we CAN do it!!
My sisters ex boyfriend said the hardest thing about quitting smoking is the habit of doing something with his hands.. maybe it would make is easy for you if you could find something to do to keep those busy?
good luck!!