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Hi guys well i wanted to kno if you guys take protein supplement as i bought Nutrisport 90+Protein but haven't yet tried it my dietitian says that we should eat protein food but im having problems keeping food in so what do i do..
one more thing would that give me big muscles as i dont need them..lol:D
Hi Reema

A ot of us take protein as whey based protein from very early on. Getting protein from food in the very early stages is difficult. You need a min of 60gs per day for an adult woman and thats not easily possible all from food at the start.

Also, it won't give you muscles. Protein is used by bodybuilders and sportsmen/women as it helps to feed muscles whilst training. It doesn't automatically give you them so don't worry :)
I concour with both Mix and CCPM as both are right........ Its my belief that you should eat your protein rather than take as a suppliment, many dieticians preach on about a healthy balanced diet being the key to success, though i agree with CCPM that in the early days your able to eat so little then you need to get your protein in however you can, but longer term you should try to eat protein rather than rely on supplimentation.

I use protein now to suppliment my diet as my exercise has got to a stage that i simply cannot get the required amount of calories in per day, and rather than stall my weight lose i take a protein shake as an extra way to increase my protein and feed my body. Mix is also correct, protein wont create massive muscles, that takes a lot of hard work, sweat and pain in the gym to do that, no pill or suppliment will do that for you, although it would be nice if it did lol ;-)
Darn it Reema, there's no chance of me and you slipping into the Russian Olympic shot putting team in the next olympics then :(

Seriously Phatgirl put a thread on with some links for a protein website and they looked yummy. I will find it when i get closer to my summer surgery!
Oh goodie! My favourite subject! The average woman needs 60g of protein daily but whilst mending from surgery this increases to between 90-120g protein. Protein is vital in wound healing and of course, immediately after surgery we're eating next to nothing. So I had protein shakes as I could drink them easily. The shake that I had gave me around 28g protein (including the milk to mix it with). Now that I am 3 months post-op and eating normally, I am getting my 60g protein just from my food as my diet is very varied and I can eat chicken/eggs/cheese etc. The thought of a protein shake now makes me feel sick!
I looked into protein shakes when I was pre-op and the array of products was bewildering so I checked out Susan Maria Leach's book 'Before and After' then Googled the shakes she recommended to see which ones were available in the UK. I find eating protein fairly difficult (I'm four months post op) and boosting my intake with a supplement really helps. Mxx
I use Sci-Mx Whey protein, obtainable from Tescos, the only flavour i can stomach is the strawberry cream and strangely its not that bad (in a macabre kind of way) though the secret (as PG will tell you) is to use a milk shake shaker to blend out the lumps and make it nice a foamy, my preference is to mix with cold water only, though some poeple use half milk or add fruit and blend down to a thick shake, i like to mix it and woof it down quickly first thing in the morning, for a crazy alternative i've on occassions mixed the shake powder with half water, half milk and added a big dollup of strawberry ice cream, then blend the lot - makes a lush strawberry shake something simular to McD's lol
I'm using the Myprotein ones, prefer the strawberry and raspberry ones, as, for some unknown reason, I have gone completely off meats, fish and seafood. I used to love it but now I do not like the taste at all. All the meat I have now is a slice or 2 with my salads.

Plus I am also training a lot now and need that protein boost for my muscles.

I know there are pros and cons. I feel happier taking them.
i would take them BUT i am a protein virgin and have no idea which ones to try.. which ones id like? which r the cheapest but not the nastiest as ive ust been laid off :( bad times for me.. as im now skint!! i do think ill try some time in the future thou as i do try and go gym 3 times a week and swimming also 3 times xx
I am 3 months post-op and still have 1 protein shake most days. I rather like them, and it is a way to get a taste of chocolate rather than scoffing a Mars bar. I agree with SS, a good shaker is the key and the Blender Bottle I find is the best as it has a wire sphere in it to help the mix. However, don't buy it from the link in PG's post as I am in dispute with them. I paid but nothing arrived and they are not answering any emails. Lakeland do them a little bit more expensive but at least you will get it.
John xx
i would take them BUT i am a protein virgin and have no idea which ones to try.. which ones id like? which r the cheapest but not the nastiest as ive ust been laid off :( bad times for me.. as im now skint!! i do think ill try some time in the future thou as i do try and go gym 3 times a week and swimming also 3 times xx

When you do look into it make sure you go for whey protein rather than soya. Whey is better quality protein and more easily available to the body. Do you like chocolate? Syntrax Matrix Perfect Chocolate is quite nice (none of them are really yummy). I also use Maximuscle Promax - strawberry. You are supposed to mix it with water but I mix it with milk and a scoop of Slimfast (makes it taste better). They are quite expensive but go a long way. Mxx
i would take them BUT i am a protein virgin and have no idea which ones to try.. which ones id like? which r the cheapest but not the nastiest as ive ust been laid off :( bad times for me.. as im now skint!! i do think ill try some time in the future thou as i do try and go gym 3 times a week and swimming also 3 times xx

I can send you some samples of 4 different ones I have if you like?
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mixman r u sure? thats really nice of you.. aww thank u id liek that do you want me to pm u my address? i cant believe ud do that for me :) xx
Not a problem. I know they're not the cheapest of things and there's nothing worse than spending £20 or so on something and it going to waste!

I have Chocolate Mint, Chocolate Nut, Strawberry and Raspberry. All whey protein. Low sugar/carb. I'll send you enough of each one to make up a shake of about 300ml which would have all your daily protein in. You can make 1/2 if you want and have 2 a day of each.

Just pm me your name and address. Promise not to stalk you ;-)
Not a problem. I know they're not the cheapest of things and there's nothing worse than spending £20 or so on something and it going to waste!

I have Chocolate Mint, Chocolate Nut, Strawberry and Raspberry. All whey protein. Low sugar/carb. I'll send you enough of each one to make up a shake of about 300ml which would have all your daily protein in. You can make 1/2 if you want and have 2 a day of each.

Just pm me your name and address. Promise not to stalk you ;-)
Aww Thank you so much that's really sweet of you indeed but dont worry i will get them..Take care..xxx