Paula Garner
Well-Known Member
Beas just wondering if anybody knows or has heard if anyone waiting for wls had their op or hospital appointments cancelled today, due to them striking ?
Considering the fact most practicing doctors today got their qualifications for free, they earn more in a year than most of us would in five years, they never have to worry about job security, their pensions are pretty chuffin good compared with most of their patients, then I don't need the press to make them look bad in my eyes, that any one of them chose to strike putting themselves before their patients from their cosseted position make me puke. Caring profession? my saggy backside the ones that took action only care about one thing I reckon...............JMHO
Yeah about twelve times more than a soldier who put his life on the line to make a country where these privileged people can enjoy their large salaries and pensions. Our doctors do a fantastic job and I know most were too embarrassed to join in this ridiculous action, but those who did should take a look into the lives their patients live on the pittance they get and just give themselves a chuffin shake
I work for the NHS and I work just as hard as any doctor. My pension will be no where near what they get. What about all the nurses, Health care support workers, physiotherapists etc who work hard every day. Their reward for all their hard work should be worth just as much as any doctor or surgeon.
The whole point of working in health is to put your patients first. How many poor people who have been waiting months, some times years for operations, often in pain and discomfort were set back by the people who did decide to strike ? Now thats disgusting and ignorant if you ask me.
Well this is an absolute disgrace.
My boyfriends a doctor.
He spent 5 gruelling years at uni and has worked hard everyday of his life since. He works at least 10hrs a day and often goes weeks without getting a day off.
This strike is completly justified tho it wasnt a proper strike as they still all went in to work and still looked after all the sick patients. I dont know one doctor who compromised their patients care on that day. Doctors deserve a large salary due to long hours, weekends and nights and the fact that they have the highest responsibility of any job-often with little support.
Most doctors salaries come nowhere near that of dentists, bankers etc. And what about all the surgeons who have operated on people on this site. Giving people who have made wrong choices a second chance. You're view point is disgusting and ignorant.
Woww - lets put the brakes on here people!
Firstly - Dr's earn more than most of their colleagues in the NHS as they have far more responsibility, have done far more training and should be paid accordinlgy.
As with all Public health services such as teachers, police and fire brigade it was agreed to "review pay" - this was done in 2008 by the Government and the fiscal body and the conclusion was that an upper limit of 14% (capped) would be set for Dr's contribution to their pensions, and that their current pension scheme was both appropriate and viable, with an excess of just under £2 million, it was reviewed and agreed to maintain contribution at 7% with the view to increase to the upper capped limit only if and when it was needed to balance the pension fund - 7% which is what other public sector workers contribute - however the Government have now decided to review this again - and dismiss all the original agreements of 2008 !
This is what they are P***** off about, and rightly so - why should they have to have a 2nd pay review and cut of their pension when they have already been reviewed and come to an agreement.
Dr's salaries are comparable to MP's and bankers - let's see their pensions be reviewed - are they going to be prepared to double their contribution and work for an extra 5 years? I very much doubt it!!
Come on, regardless of salary - no one can see this as being fare and right?! Show me a Dr that does not care about their patient and I will show you a hen's tooth!!
No it’s my opinion and I’m entitled to it just as you are entitled to your biased and ignorant one
Hence your bias, I wonder if your view would be different if you were one of those affected by the industrial action taken by the doctors that resulted in non urgent routine operations being cancelled
“Gruelling” ? You’re kidding right? In those five years he spent going to school each day hundreds of thousands of people worked twelve hours or more each day doing back breaking work for minimum wage, Thousands of our soldiers put their lives on the line day after day for a fraction of what your boyfriend earned and those that lost their lives will never pick up any pension. The thousands who lost limbs will have to survive for the rest of their lives on a pittance compared with your boyfriend, and if they reach pensionable age, they will will pick up less than half of your boyfriends pension
A great many people have to work twelve hours plus each day doing multiple menial jobs for minimum wage just to survive above the chuffin bread line so don’t expect me to have sympathy for a doctor earning more in a year than a soldier etc will in five years
No they didn’t all go into work, and unless you know every doctor this statement just like the rest of your post is utter drivel. You spout on about ignorance yet display nothing but ignorance (Look it up) No one has said doctors shouldn’t get a large salary, they are paid for their knowledge and the responsibility that goes with their role, however when I hear of someone who will pick up a minimum pension that is many many times greater than people who will also work long hours, nights, weekends etc, and with the constant threat of redundancy over their shoulders, then I have nothing but contempt for them.
Dentists and bankers? Are you for real or really as ignorant as this statement indicates? The dentists who earn lots of money do so from private practise. It’s their business and they take the risks that go hand in hand with running their own practice. Doctors who do private work also earn a great deal of money. I know personally a surgeon who earns more doing private operations in one weekend than I would in 18 months, and I’m on a good wage, so please wind your neck in you’re embarrassing.
Bankers at the top of their field (A very very small percentage, but your ignorance doesn’t allow you to make the distinction does it?) earn a huge salary. So they should, they are operating in the commercial sector. They just like all of us who have to rely on commerce for our jobs don’t have money given by the treasury for life, we don’t have jobs for life with zero chance of redundancy unlike doctors.
As for your final comments the surgeon who operated on me earns more in a year than a soldier who puts his life on the line every 24 hour day could in 20 years so once again even though you are entitled to your opinion just like I am, your ignorance is embarrassing