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DonnaR - updated 2 Oct 10


New Member
Sorry i'm late posting, was hectic during the day yesterday then i was out with friends last night...

Right update: Donna text me yesterday unfortunately she didn't get her op yesterday as there was a hernia op taking a bit longer than expected apparently! She is however having her op by Miss Heitmann today and will at some point (hopefully soon after yesterdays fruitless wait) be joining us all on the losers bench today :)

Hurry up Donna, i've moved over xx:D
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good luck, sending speedy recovery vibes xx
Thanks Julie, I was wondering how things were going... thinking of you today Donna and sending a gentle hug to help you through...
Love and every good wish, Bev xxx
Hi all

I got a text from Donna earlier today! She had her surgery with Miss Heitmann but needed a bit of assistance from Mr Khan due to complications, don't ask as i don't know :)

Anyway Donna was feeling '' a little fragile'' earlier but in good text spirits... She's hoping to go home tomorrow...

Congratulations Donna you are now a certified 'Loser'! Welcome to skinnydom xx
Thanks for the update Julie x
Great it's hear it's all been done Donna. :D
It's a shame you've had a few complications, but better now than later, I think.
Welcome to the Losers' Bench.
Thanks for the update Julie. x