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I know Ive changed!
:zz:I keep having dreams of dumping!!!
I dream that I do something that I shouldnt do (like eating chocolate fingers) and also that I am being caught out by hidden sugars in good low sugar foods and then in my dreams I panic and before I dump I wake up.
I get so distressed in the dreams and end up panicking and then I wake up a bit confused.
Its a strange lot of dreams, the eating chocolate fingers puzzled me because I dont miss chocolate etc one little bit and the thought of eating them repulses me.
Annnnnyway, just thought that I would share my dreams.
Anybody else had weird dreams after their surgery?
Steph xx
I tend to dream about things that are on my mind and bothering me. I know for me dumping was a real fear and i think psychologically that stopped me eating a lot of foods i prob could have in the beginning and that was one of the things that i found quite hard. That said i feel so much more confident now so hopefully you will too and your "dumping" dreams will become a thing of the past xx
Thanks for the reply. :)
I do dump, I have once and so I know that I do and am actually quite glad of it. I really do have no food issues, I dont miss any of the foods that I dont eat ie bread, pastry, rice, chocolate etc I truly truly dont miss them and I dont feel as though I am denying myself anything. If I did feel that way I would understand the dreams but I dont. Well I do understand the dream about the hidden sugars because...well, for obvious reasons, but the stuffing myself silly with chocolate is weirrrrrrrrrd, though in the dream I was eating them as normal and then felt as though I was transported to now and that is where the panic set in. Its probably just my brain adjusting to this journey.
Steph xx

P.S...reading my reply back I sound defensive, I dont mean to, it wasnt meant that way xxx
I'm pre op but i did have a weird one the other night. My Trev (who incidentally adores me - i know he does cos i tell him so every day) hired a hit man to kill me just because i snogged the face of this really fit man in the cafe....

Now i know it was just a dream cos the man was fair haired and thats not my type! But bumping me off, or trying, that was a bit OTT wasn't it? xx
No prob StephieAck no offence taken, i didn't realise you had suffered the dreaded "dump" so you may have thought i was sounding patronising which def wasn't the case or my intention. There are so many new things to get used to on this journey so maybe as you say weird and wonderful dreams are part of it. Now where is my winning the lottery dream that comes true lol xx
Julie...innnnnterestinggggggg lol keep your eye on Trev...and fair haired men in cafes lol

Gaelic...Lordy no, I didnt think you were being patronising at all, but I knew that the way my reply came across it looked as though I did. Advice and opinion was taken in the way it was intended xx

Steph xx
Well as u know i am still pre op, but when i was doing Cambridge diet, on many occasions i would wake myself up in a panic and sweat and i was so convinced i had broken my diet and that i had just had a mega carb loaded meal and kicked myself out of ketosis.
I suppose its because when something is on our mind and we are worried bout it then it can end up as a bad dream and be so convincing that u have to take a few mins to realise whether its a dream or if its happened xxx