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East Sussex Funding


New Member
Does anyone know what the criteria is for this area?
After visiting my doctor today he said it was 2years documented dieting eg records from weight loss groups showing progress before getting a referral?

Thanks xx
acording to Bospa http://www.bospa.org/ for East Sussex it is the NICE guidlines criteria

"people are considered to have morbid obesity if they have a body mass index (BMI) of 40 kg/m2 or more or they have a BMI of between 35 kg/m2 and 40 kg/m2 and other significant disease (for example, diabetes, high blood pressure) that may be improved if they lose weight.

NICE has recommended that surgery to aid weight loss should be available as a treatment option for people with morbid obesity provided that they meet all of the following criteria:
  • they are aged 18 years or over
  • they have been receiving treatment in a specialist obesity clinic at a hospital
  • they have tried all other appropriate non-surgical treatments to lose weight but have not been able to maintain weight loss
  • there are no specific medical or psychological reasons why they should not have this type of surgery
  • they are generally fit enough to have an anaesthetic and surgery
  • they should understand that they will need to be followed-up by a doctor and other healthcare professionals such as dieticians or psychologists over the long-term.
People with morbid obesity should have surgery to aid weight loss only after they have had a full assessment by the specialist and other healthcare professionals involved in their care. In addition, counselling and support should be arranged for people before and after the surgery."

Hope this helps
The referral form your GP needs to fill in is at the bottom here:

Brighton and Hove Integrated Care Service - Bariatric Surgery

I know this is a Brighton page but it is also the form East and West Sussex submit.

I was originally an East Sussex patient (Bexhill) and was accepted by a hospital in London but I believe you can be referred to St Richards Chichester once funding is approved and they have (or had) a 13 week turnaround from referral to op
Hi roxy

I have just been given funding via nhs East Sussex. It was actually Worthing not Brighton that the referral has to go as Brighton only deal with people from Brighton.

The form the doctor fills out is ridiculously lacking tbh.
It basically asks what drugs have been taken, date taken and weight loss.
I was horrified when all my doctor put was,
Lighterlife - sep 2011/sep 2012 - 0:
Orlistat - oct 2012 6 mths - 0!!!! Especially as it hasn't even been 6 mths!
There was a space for anything else and he put sleep apnoea but didn't elaborate.
My bmi is just over 40 and I do not have anything else wrong with me.
I did email a letter over to the funding office as I was terrified my doctor hadn't done enough but the acceptance came one day after I sent my letter so I'm not sure I made the difference or not. If I did it was a very quick turnaround!

I hope this helps x
Hence the confusion in East Sussex as I was in Bexhill and that was the form my GP had to fill in