Well, my appetite is back with avengeance!
I can eat anything, and everything, more worrying though, probably as much as before! Although, I never ate quite the quantity this week, I did eat a load of rubbish and far too much. I am really stuggling with food at the moment. I honestly feel such a failure :cry: I know no-one can help me, but me, just needed to write it down really. I've had a terrible weekend, stuck in the house for various reason, munch, munch, munch! I am so angry at myself I can't tell you all how I feel, don't even know myself, very, very down. Anyway.... today is another day... My first fill is next week, hopefully a wee bit restriction then, although probably a tiny fill, so not that hopefull tbh. 'Negative Annie', that's me just now! Hope my next post is a more positive one folks... Keep up the good fight! x