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Everyone's a Critic


New Member
When I decided WLS was for me, I decided to tell as few people as possible. As you know, I still don't know if I have been accepted for surgery but I am trying to ready myself in the event that I am.

My PCT recently changed their guidelines which stated that patients need to prove they have attempted weightloss for at least a year beforehand. I decided that I would get in touch with my Weight Watcher Leaders and Slimming Worlds consultants and gather all this information just in case it was needed. My SW consultant gave me the mother of all lectures that left me feeling like a naughty school girl. "You want a quick fix and are not prepared to put in the hard work". "You are taking the easy option". "I wouldn't want someone cutting into my stomach thank you very much".

Now for some reason I feel like I am committing a crime, like I should scurry on down to SW and rejoin. I know this would be wrong for me.

Why do people talk about things they know nothing about?!
How blooming rude!!

I joined a SW class round here and told her from day 1 it was to make sure I didn't put on before the op and she was fine with it. In fact post op quite a few people go to SW or WW as their weight loss slows.
Blooming heck! Wouldn't want that person as a leader, not very understanding or well informed. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, the trick is having confidence in our decisions, and defending them when necessary.
Probably worried she'll run out of members if everyone goes down the "easy" route. Cheeky monkey. As a bypasser I know it's certainly not the easy option. Good luck to you xx
I was so taken aback by her rudeness that I was left speechless if the truth be told. She said she would help me that was something. I suppose this is something that I will need top get used to ( I have had it from my sister too).
I was so taken aback by her rudeness that I was left speechless if the truth be told. She said she would help me that was something. I suppose this is something that I will need top get used to ( I have had it from my sister too).

My sister once made a comment that surgery was the easy way out. I didnt tell her that I wss having my bypass until 2 days before bexause of this. I wasn't going to tell her at all byt because I was terrified of dying I did. She as been 100% behind me and since she's seen what I've had to go through she no longer thinks its a easy way out. In my opinion people who say things like 'it's the easy way out 'or 'just try harder and excerise' 99% of the time they have never struggled with their weight and I see it as their ignorance and lack of understanding. I had my bypass 6 weeks ago today and by no means is it easy. Saying that I have no regrets what so ever and its the best thing I have ever done for myself. X
How bloody rude!!! It is the uninformed that make comments like that... they don't realise they're saying the same thing as those that say "don't eat pies fatty!" I think she's been brainwashed by SW and is a crap rep for the company!!!

The last 3 years of my life were the toughest I have ever faced... & life ain't gonna get any easier as far as I'm concerned... as much as I hate the D word I'm effectively on a diet for the rest of my life but its more extreme than SW or WW will ever be... if this was the "easy" option I'd not be still having to consider every morsel that I eat plus I'd have been a size 10 after 1 week!!!

I've been very open about my bypass & have been very lucky that 95% of people I have told have been positive but to those that haven't I've either sat down & explained the process or if their not willing to listen they've swiftly been told to "do one"!
If I were you'd I make a formal complaint no slimming leader whatever the paymaster should say that to anyone. Perhaps I was lucky with my ww leader but she was a great support asked questions to understand it & having moved to run a different group came back & presented me with my gold card. Explained what I'd been like then & now & how hard I'd worked. Several people now don't know my story & were go smacked by it & what I'd lost with ww alone pre-op & with its support post op. I may still have got here but I think without their support it would have been a tougher journey than it has been & no as we all know its not the easy way out.
You have to find the leader & group that's right for you if that's what you feel you need & go for it Hun. Ww taught me sensible eating so post-op I could cope with it much easily than I might have done.
Quick fix, my backside! How can it be a quick fix when we make a decision which is going to last the rest of our lives? Put ourselves through the pre-diet, a major operation, with the possible risks it may entail, the post-op recovery, then never be able to eat normally for ever, and that's a quick fix?

I would have given her what for and no mistakes!
Ihad a simialar experience with a herbal life supporter. When I asked for my history with her and she said why I explained n she said well its not the best option but for someone like you with no will power then yes its probably a good idea pmsl.. At the time I couldnt carry on with her id found out i was pregnant with twins and doctor said no i should not carry on the cheeky mare. I got karma though seen her in town the other day bearing in mind im now a size 16 she has regained all her weight and was around 20-22 so not the best advertisment for a weight loss group. She didnt say hello she pretended she didnt know me so hey ho maybe i should go n pay her a visit let her know all about my experience :)