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Before surgery I used to find that ex-lax sorted me out, since surgery (bypass) I've tried the senna tablets that the hospital sent me home with, no effect at all, then lactalose that I got from GP, this worked if I continually took it, but as soon as I stopped using it, I've got bunged up again (TMI) So has anyone tried ex-lax since surgery and if so what was the outcome.
im not sure if x-lax has sugar in it?
if lactolose hasnt worked then movocol is the next one to try. but i would suggest giving the doc a visit xx
Senna liquid is good or suppositories if dry/bunged up.They will soften the poop.Dont expect to go daily or even every few days.Best of luck.Maz x
Well from 1 Chris to another I have had quite a lot of constipation it has settled a bit now but still had a problem at the weekend. Had to have 2 fybogel a day for bout 4 months after op dieticians orders after such bad experience of not being able to pass any of it. This made it much easier have had no diahorrhea and go ok most days, this sounds terrible but i feel like i have to lie back a bit when i go to the toilet to be able to go properly. presumw that is normal for me now xx good luck xx

What worked for me are the new ducolax suppositories, I had not been for 7 days and one of these worked in under 30 minutes.

Try to up your fibre intake, that should help.

Paul-H said:

What worked for me are the new ducolax suppositories, I had not been for 7 days and one of these worked in under 30 minutes.

Try to up your fibre intake, that should help.


The normal pills by dulcolax work a treat for me but not great timing it ready for needing the toilet 7/8 hrs later lol...,will look out for these!
My team gave me milpar which didn't help. They then gave me glycerine suppositories & these worked in 15 minutes.
Think I'll try suppositories to begin with and then up fibre, been so intent on getting the protein in that I have overlooked the fibre. Other than weetabix can anyone offer high fibre ideas that are barriatric friendly, been told all veg and fruit should be peeled and although I like both find I'm having trouble eating much after protein, and been too nervous to try bread yet (wholemeal)
I always rant and rave about this but 'Slim-a-tea' from Holland and Barrett is brilliant. I take one a couple of times a month and it works a treat. It's a herbal tea bag so no sugar, it's only a couple of quid and I never need anything else. Xx
During my Pre-op diet stage I found Fibogel worked a treat. Strangely, the recommendation after the op was Fibogel or Senecot but how on earth can anyone take Fibogel post op?

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