Thanks everyone, reckon I was getting a bit stir crazy and needed to go out and my girls were really begging me for some new summer clothes now the warm weather's here at last so I thought a nice gentle shopping trip. Well it started out fine going down hill but by the time I had hit the shopping centre and done 3 floors of that and then out again, we couldn't find anything to eat that I could have. Hubby threw a wobbly at me for being so indecisive when actually all I wanted to do was sit down for a bit. He walked off and left me and my youngest straying behind (a long way behind) and he waited about half an hour for me to get up the hill and to the car. He was completely clueless how worried I was as I actually though I was going to pass out that last part of the walk and leave my 10 yr old daughter stressing. God I was angry with him.. we are still in angry silence now actually!
Suppose it is my own fault for trying too hard to be normal when I'm still recovering and I got very upset because I was so knackered and there was nowhere to rest and when he stormed off I had no choice but to follow him back to the car (still carrying shopping bags). My 10 yr old had to carry them the last 200 yards as I really thought I was going to fall over. Unreal day all round! Started off so well and happy, ended in big family drama.