New Member
When I was banded I was told by my employer that because it was elective surgery I would have to have the time of as holiday. I checked my contract which didn't say anything about elective surgery but I kept stum and took 3 days holiday, returned to work on the Thursday and Friday. On the Sunday I was really ill with constipation, went to docs on the Monday who said I had a tear and severe constipation and he told me to take a week off, I thought work might think I was pulling a fast one so he gave me a sick note for the week stating severe constipation.My boss informed me today that because the illness was caused due to elective surgery I would not be covered by sick note and have to take last week as holiday as well, I'm fuming! Has anyone else experienced this, or is my company just bad? I have worked for them for nearly 17 years and feel a bit let down by their attitude.