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feeling realy low & cant shake it


New Member
feeling realy down at moment weight has stopped coming off body clock all to pot because i work constant nights want to lose more but cant get motivated sleep most of the day then pick my daughter up from school want to go to the gym but something always gets in the way just feel like screaming .:sigh:
I am sorry to hear you're feeling low but exercise probably is the key here - try and think of something you love and find quite easy to do just to give you that kick start - with me it's swimming.....

Good luck, night shifts and this 'orrible weather probably doesn't help but I am sure you will be on the up again soon xxx

didnt want to read and run sending big hugs x

sorry to hear you are feeling a bit low...
when you pick up your daughter why dont you both do something fun.
may be swimming, ice skating, a walk in the park , fly a kite.
hopefully this period will pass soon.
a hug is sent to you.
keep in touch
x june:)
One of the things I learnt while i was in The Priory was to create a mood lifting box for when you're down. Put in it things you know make you happy and things you can do mindfulness with. Mindfullness has helped me through some pretty tough times. Your brain can only concentrate on one thing so if you make it concentrate on the present, using one or more of your five senses (touch, smell, taste, sight, sound) it will keep you in the present and not have you rumanate on the past or worry about the future.

I put in mine a jar of the names of films that make me happy and I pull one out to watch.

As for exercise I like the idea Juney said about doing something with your daughter as exercise. I just started aquafit and reward myself with something up to the price of £20 for each time I go.

Love and hugs in the mean time though
Go to GP and get your bloods done. You need a full screen - checking especially for iron and B12!
I am sorry that you are feeling so low at the present. Nights used to always mess up my body clock as well and it was always worse in the winter.

You have been given some good strategies by others. When my depression was really bad a friend of mine encouraged me to get a note book and record, on a daily basis, one thing that had made me feel good, happy, smile or laugh. I also had to do one good deed a day. It could be anything from smiling at a stranger, picking up a worm/snail and place it in a safe place or even making time to just ask my children/hubby about their day and listen to their answer. This helped me to realise that the day had not been filled with just dark clouds and that the sun had occassionally shone through.

I also made a promise to my girls that we would do one fun thing together once a week. We drew up a list of achievable things and picked what we wanted to do the week before and wrote it on the calender as an appointment. The things we did ranged from baking, swimming, walking in the park to watching a DVD together. Some times things were so bad we didn't make it, so on those days we put music on and danced around the living room for 10-15mins. We always ended up laughing in a heap on the floor.

I hope that you will feel better soon. I am sending you lots of love and hugs.

im sorry your down in the dumps at the moment ive seen your pictures on facebook and youve done amazing so dont be disheartned and go in the afternoon once youve had a sleep and maybe let your little girl for swimming lessons or some gyms let children join so you both learn the new way of life ,i feel terriable that both my children are over weight
Sorry to hear you are so down in the dump, you have had some good advice so far and I hope you start to feel better soon. I agree with Sal, get a check on all your bloods you could be lacking in something (HUG) XX