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feeling weird


New Member
ok guys and girls im feeling most weird and wondering if any of you have like this befor every time i stand up i go light headed i had to stop exersicing today because again i went dizzy had a fwe headaches this week although not bad ones[never usual get them] and although im drinking the same and well hydrated when i go peepee there bloody loads of it . im on a 1000cals a day so it not lack of food and i eat regularly but its worried me a little
Could this be low blood pressure - I often get dizzy when I stand up too quick as my blood pressure is low. See GP if worried. Hope you feel better soon x
I have been the same for a couple of days I stand up and go dizzy and feel all wobble

Gonna check my blood pressure

Just done mine 3 times then got the average and its 118/63

will keep an eye on it I have always had good blood pressure
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are you eating ok hun? i keep going like that but its cos im not eating much xx
I asked this same question a few weeks ago, I dont know why it happened me but it wasn't nice, are you maybe pre menstrual? could this be a cause?, low blood pressure? it has happened me a few times, I just put it down to my new band!
Hi there Serenity :)

If it persists I would go and see your doctor if I was you.

I think there is a virus that makes you feel like this doing the rounds as I was like it for a good few weeks a month or so back and my mum, brother and friend also.

It could be so many things really. Take care and I hope you feel better soon Xx
it doesnt sound band related id get it checked at the gp's tho, could be a number off different possibilities, i hope you feel better soon x