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Fiancing the op help?


New Member
Ok I am having my Band consultation 18th June.
My Oh is funding me with a fiance option.

Does anyone know if theres a good 0% interest Credit Card for a year + with upto #7000 ponds credit limit?

I was going to apply to First Medical Loans but they say I have to be on the application but I dont work at present so its pointless me being on the application form,lady said its because its me having it done?Maybe as its 0% for a period...

Any ideas anyone my OH has a spotless credit score..........
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Credit on credit cards have to be built up. The usual starting amount is £500-£1000. Once you show that you can manage this they will begin to up the limits.

A straightforward loan might be a better option.

Also have you looked into NHS funding?

I wish you luck whatever route you take, just make sure that if you go private you get a lifetime care package.
Credit on credit cards have to be built up. The usual starting amount is £500-£1000. Once you show that you can manage this they will begin to up the limits.

A straightforward loan might be a better option.

Also have you looked into NHS funding?

I wish you luck whatever route you take, just make sure that if you go private you get a lifetime care package.

Hi Many Thanks
My Oh has a credit card with a 9500 pound limit unused as he pays it off but the interest rate is 11.9%?
NHS I dont qualify I have no illnesses and my Gp just smirked and said he hasnt a clue about gastric weight loss?

Life time after care package is very expensive #2000 pounds more and thats just for diet advise.Id still have to pay extra for refills and appointments,I have found a good aftercare package and a good surgeon.

Many Thanks for your help :) xxxx
hi size, what is your bmi ? would it be worth seeing another gp, i seen many before i got my referal to a nhs surgeon.
hi size, what is your bmi ? would it be worth seeing another gp, i seen many before i got my referal to a nhs surgeon.

Hi its 42 ?
They wouldnt operate on my arm as I have some nerve damage its common but they said in the hospital its too expensive?x
i dont understand how they can say they wont do wls because of a problem with your arm.

my bmi was 43 when i started this process so i cant see why you cant be refered after all your gp has said he doesnt know alot about wls, and the final decision if your suitable for wls is down to the nhs surgeon and not a gp.
hi size, what is your bmi ? would it be worth seeing another gp, i seen many before i got my referal to a nhs surgeon.

No soz they didnt say they wouldnt do wls as of my arm they said they wont operate on my arm due to costs? Im having real trouble finding what to take printed off to my Gp about Isle Of Wight Nic and Pct?Help x
Ive found this any idea what this means?
These exclusions are not exhaustive and should be treated as ‘organic’. The
recommendations and policy notes of the H&IOW Clinical Priorities Advisory Forum
will supersede or add to this list as well as NICE Technology Appraisal Guidance.
Excluded procedures should be reviewed on a 6-monthly basis by Public Health
Consultants and reported via PEC.
Domain Policy Exclusion Currently Recognised Exceptions
Bariatric surgery for
morbid obesity
In accordance with Central South Coast
Specialist Services Confederation
(CSCSSC) pathway together with the Isle of
Wight pathway. (Appendix C)
sorry i dont know what it means, but i think you do qualify for a nhs wls procedure as my start bmi was 43. x
sorry i dont know what it means, but i think you do qualify for a nhs wls procedure as my start bmi was 43. x

Ok what have I too lose Im going to print lots of nic & Pct guides off and see the pratice doctor(owner) he may know/help if not then back to the drawing board.

Thanx alot xxxx
Hi there re credit card with interest free. If you purchase the surgery on your hubbys card which he already has and then he applies for a virgin card I think they are offering 18months free credit on credit transfers at the moment. So he can transfer the debt on the card which charges interest to the new interest free one.
all i can say to you is go and see another gp in your gp practice as the one you seen seems very nieve about wls on the nhs and he should of looked into this for you but hes passed you off through his lack of knowlege about wls which isnt your fault but is his, i seen them all in my gp practice then 1 of the nice lady gp's took me seriously and refered me.

liz x
does the hospital not offer a payment option?
mine did, its 0% and its about £1000 a month you pay back.. its was a £10k op


ps. thats for a bypass
It depends on your rating what limit you get. I got 2 cards to finance my op. I didn't even bother with the NHS. It would take too long and going private I was banded within 4 weeks.

Good luck hun.
good luck with whatever path you choose to take x
Hi Size
That is good advice of Swizzlestick, we do it all the time...swap each time you have to pay interest. If you can afford it just go for it or you could be waiting for a long time.
Thanks so much for all your help you are all great :)
Im going to see another Gp next weeks the earliest I could see him but he is the main partner and the other Gp told me hes the one to speak to......

If he refers me what happens next?

Then if its all no's etc Im going to use OH's present Credit card then as suggested transfer the balance over to a 0%,OH has Credit Card checks so Spire may not add a charge to those as they can do credit cards?

So 2 weeks time i'll be more the wiser.:confused:lol

Mamny Thanks so much again xxx