ok today i had the first appointment on the road to wls ..i am lost ,it was very strange :sigh:,first it was a group appointment ..meet the team . at the end a young man came round an asked what if any surgery i would like to have ? i dont no what is best for me yet need to speek to the doctor and see what they think ..me i would like to have gastric bypass ,as i would be able to play games with the amount of food i could eat and all the filling puts me of with the band from what i have read ? i dont no if this is true as i dont no people with the band .. a frend has had the sleve and can eat way to much shes only had it 4 months ? oh the appointment was at charring cross hosp . i was told that i will get the next appointment in 6 to 8 weeks .seems like so long ,first went to gp back in jan so nearly six months gone and not much happening just gota keep on going ,herd it can take 2 years ?? i suppose not that long i ve been a big girl for 16 years so 2 should be a walk in the park