According to statistics the failure rate is too high for bands. It's much higher than for other procedures. It's one of the reason our hospital has stopped doing them. I was told by my surgeon that at some point they were taking more of them out than putting in.Hi
I'm going privately bc my BMI isn't high enough for the NHS to even consider helping me with surgery. So I've made the decision myself to go privately.
The band can be reversed. It's less complicated and therefore has less risk - IMO. And as I say I have about 4st to loose so for me it's probably a better option.
I also like the fact that it can be adjusted!
But I'm sure your dr knows what they are doing and so recommending what they think is best for you!!
I'm excited but terrified too!
Good luck!! I had the band about 6 weeks ago and don't regret it for a second!!! Looking forward to hearing how u get on xx
Sharon. How did you find it all from the pre op diet to surgery to the post op diet? I have just over 10days off work is that enough recovery time?
I'm so excited. But nervous. I've never had an anaesetic before xxx
Good luck x x
Hi thanks everyone for your replies.
I originally was going to opt for the balloon. But figured actually if I was going to pay that much money really I wanted something more long term.
I personally don't feel comfortable with permanently changing my anatomy inside. I mean it took me 4 years to agree to the contraceptive implant haha!
I have two friends who have had great success with the band. And after doing my research do feel this is the best option for me. Recovery is quicker - which means I can get back into the gym sooner.
And actually the band can be adjusted for life. If I fail and stretch my stomach again after a bypass it's only reversible by another surgery. And as I said personally I don't feel comfortable adjusting my anatomy to that degree.
I realise with any procedure there's a chance if I don't follow it properly then it can fail. But I know I can loose weight and stay active. I'm hoping this will just provide a tool to help when the plateaux hits. And will hopefully get me into a healthy weight range!
Bypass or sleeve wasn't really a consideration I looked into much. Only the balloon and band.
But I take on board all your valid points.
I do have a surgery date now13th nov.
So here's to hopefully the rest of a slender and healthy life xxx
You're quite right in everything you say. It's a personal decision and you have completely the right mindset. Loads of luck. Have you a pre-op diet to do?