Firstly may I say that you have lost a huge amount of weight in a comparatively short period of time. The human body can only lose so much within a given time-frame; weight loss is never linear or accurately predictable in advance.
Your body is surely adjusting to this vast loss, and 'taking stock', so to speak, of your current very small food intake. It may well be trying to keep you alive, since it does not realise that you are deliberately eating much less than you used to in order to lose weight!
Your post-op complications are another matter; the added procedures you are having will hopefully sort-out your struggle to keep-down fluids, etc. Don't just accept problems as 'normal' and acceptable; they're not!
We all want to lose all of our extra weight, right now, or better still, yesterday! It's hard at times to be patient when we have so much invested in a slimmer future. It takes as long as it takes; we must accept this. Be sure to prioritise your health and well-being, because no amount of super-fast weight loss can hope to compensate for the loss of either.
Take good care of you! And keep posting x