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Fluid Amounts


New Member
Hi all, I know we're supposed to take in 2 litres of fluid a day, but does the water that the Addcal D3, (twice) Zinc (twice) and Forceval count towards the total?
I think I may need a lifebelt if I take in 2 litres plus all that on top! :eek:
Thanks for any advice,
Even if I add all the water I take with my tablets the ice lollies and the small amounts of drinks im having I dont think it adds up to 2 litres yet!
But as each day goes by its getting better I will for you too.
Los in it... Are the ice lollies sugar free? If so where do you get them from?

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Been making my own lollies with spring water so no added sugar I was having asda orange lollies till I saw it was 60 cal per lolly !