As others have said, surgery of any kind carries risks, no matter what size you are. I'll just leave you with a question and answer session i had with my 13yr old daughter the other week. Katie (my dear daughter lol) had been having a day of dwelling on death, some film she'd seen. Anyway we'd chatted about various family members who have died, one she met and remembered well (grandad) and others she'd have liked to have met. She asked me the question below and i have put my response, it summed it up for me really.
Q. Mom, are you frightened of dying?
A. No Katie, i've never been frightened of dying, i was just frightened of dying fat.
So much of my life passed me by because of my size and the limitations carrying 140lbs of excess weight gave me. I am half way to shedding that load, i eat well (although very very rarely does my food come from a takeaway anymore) and i thoroughly enjoy living.....
It's easy for others to say don't do it, but there not the ones rifling through the back of the rails in Evans now are they?xx