Love my sleeve!!
Just thought it would be fun to share funny incidents that have happened or been said in your life, i'll go first lol
As you know im a bus driver, well one day this old man got on in the afternoon to go back home after shopping, he said to me
"hello, you following me? I went down on you this morning"
hahahahahaha i was in hysterics, he had no idea what he'd said bless him :8855:
Just thought it would be fun to share funny incidents that have happened or been said in your life, i'll go first lol
As you know im a bus driver, well one day this old man got on in the afternoon to go back home after shopping, he said to me
"hello, you following me? I went down on you this morning"
hahahahahaha i was in hysterics, he had no idea what he'd said bless him :8855: