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can anyone give me some advice on them.
since hospital ive not really been able to eat,i was in for 6 days and was mostly on hartmans fluid.
so not only do i not have much clue on what to eat to stop my stones from keep partying but also cos i havent eaten for so long i just feel sick as soon as i think about it. ive looked on the net flipping useless. thanks all. xx
I ate a really bland diet with applesauce, bananas, rice and toast. I had my gall bladder out 4 years ago and my surgeon said I had the worst gall bladder he had ever seen. I ended up having to have my bile duct and part of my liver removed too. They said the diet I followed helped ease the discomfort before surgery.
thanks fl
did u have anything on the toast?
im gonna ask to keep some lol.xx
I had terrible gll stones last year, i would be in that much pain with them i would be in horrendous pain for hours before being so violently sick that blood blisters would pop all over my face and i would then be so exhausted i would fall asleep.

They never reallt stop me from eating when i wasnt in pain. I just ate normally avoiding high sugar, salt, fat stuff. Just really just eating a low fat diet. I was prescribed codiene for the pain so took that when ever i needed it.

Thankfully i had mine removed last November, been in painfree paradise since.

:) xxx
i darent eat anything!
it seems to just hurt and hurt not just that cos i spent most of my hospital time on hartmans fluid i dont seem to be able to even think about food. its not good cos im light headed feel sick and have the energy of a gnat x
Hi I was just told to avoid fatty foods, eggs and cucumber. If you are still not feeling right try and contact the hospital and ask for there advice because when I had mine and I had them for 5 years I never felt sick all the time. The thing they have to be careful with is that the stones don't get stuck in the bile ducts. My sister and my mum had alot of problems with theirs my sister ended up with pancreatitis and my mum had an abcess on her gall bladder when they operated. Please if you are not feeling right get in touch with someone or go to a&e. I don't mean to scare you but I just think you should get checked out some more. Take care.
I never knew i had them when i had them, just knew i was in agony and my regular gp told me it was from having the epidural when having two of my children.

I will tell you that they don't bother you while your pregnant, not sure if thats any good to you though :)
nope def not gonna be getting pregnant, hubby left last year.
my main prob i think is the fear of it coming back and also cos i lived on fluids last week a few mouthfuls and i feel sick xx
Hi Mandy
since having my bypass in April, once on solid food again, I started to be sick and feel sick all the time. I couldn't keep hardly anything down. I had to go back to see my surgeon emergency appointment as they thought it was this but after a scan i have a bag of gravel in mine! Ive been told that ive got to have it out and my bypass surgeon is going to do that but I can sympathise with you as its agony. I passed another stone two weeks ago and nearly passed out with the pain.

Hope yours settles down and you feel better soon :)