Hi Woodsykd2003,
I have had the balloon like Mazza said,not sure what you want to know but ask away i will answer what i can

Some things for starters that might help.
You can only have the balloon for 6 months due to the stomach acid eroding the balloon.
From a personal point of view i found it better to have a local anesthetic to have the balloon inserted,which entails you lying on your side and a tube being inserted into your mouth and down into your stomach then saline is put into the balloon to
inflate it.
I was in hospital for 3 days but some people are out the same day depends on whether you are private and the pct area you live in.
You will be sick for the first few days,sorry but you will,i think its your bodies defences trying to get rid of the intruder as to say
The diet is the same as any WLS,fluids to start with ,then sloppy foods and finally crisp and crunchy.
You arent restricted in what you eat after you stomach has settled down,by which i mean you could still eat the wrong foods eg,chips,pizza and mac donalds

(not adviseable),as the whole point of having the balloon is to help you loose weight,it is a really good learning tool to help you eat smaller meals.
I lost just over 3st in 6 months some people have lost more,everyone is different.
I had the balloon to help me loose weight as i had a failed bypass due to a fatty liver,and i didnt want to go through that again

Hope this helps anything else you want to know, like i said please ask
Good Luck.