I saw this and thought a bypass for a 16 year old is all wrong!, I am sure at that age they could have provided her more support, from psychological to fat camps etc. I have had the op but at 35 I feel I was mature enough to make that choice for myself but at 16 she is still a child and I am sure if she had someone "holding her hand" to re-educate her with eating and exercise habits this could have been avoided.
I know how hard it is dieting (dont we all!!!) but if I had someone cooking my meals for me or encouraging me to cook my own healthy meals and showing me how to prepare fresh wholseome meals and someone to kick me up the bum to get out of the house and exercise and get me away from the everyday bad routine maybe I wouldnt have needed it to, but with a family its a big no no but at 16 it could have been done.
I wish her all the best and hope she overcomes the anorexia xx