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Getting band on Tue 10 Mar

Decking Jim

New Member
I am now on day 7 of pre op diet and travel to Preston on Monday to stay over in Hotel and have my band fitted on Tue 10 Mar

On 1 Jan 2009 I was 19st 2 lbs and started Lighter Life first week in Jan and came off it after 4 weeks as didnt have enough energy for gym and cycling

When I cam off I was 17st 10 lbs and got weighed at weightwatchers on Sat and now staright 17 stone so thats 30lbs lost

Hoping band will assist me in my target of getting down to staright 14 st 196lbs and most importantly help me maintain the weight loss

I have been a serial yo yo dieter for last 20 years so hopefully now this is it

Just been out for a 50 mile road bike ride this morning to Burnsall from Leeds
WInd in face on way out, wind , rain, hail and sleet in face on way back - Lovely

Good news is 3200 calories burnt off - Not bad on fuel of 2 slimfast and an apple


Hi jim yes i keep a blog diary
im new to this site but just to let you know i had my surgery on thursday 5th march and im feeling really really well...you will be fine just remember sip sip and more sip of water and you'll be fine and pain free, good luck

Thanks guys

No worries
I have set up a blog from day 1 of pre op but am just gonna check its ok to put it up on my signature as dont want to get in bother
wishing you a speedy recovery Jim, look ofrward to reading you blog afterwards.
good luck tomorrow jim x
Good luck for tomorrow Jim, hope all goes well and you have a good recovery!
Good luck for tomorrow Jim, and you need a couple more posts to be able to increase your signature