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Given up


Well-Known Member
Well guys - a week before my appointment with my surgeon-i decided weight loss surgery is not for me. The doubts just all got too much and i feel i should be able to lose weight myself. Maybe not the massive amounts you all achieve but hopefully just get a bit healthier. Gona just try n have 3 sensible meals a day.

Thanks to everyone for the support along the way. I think yous are all great. Il be keeping an eye on the forum.

Much love,


Good luck on your journey, remember that the surgery is just a tool to assist with weight loss and its really about lifestyle changes.

If I'd known prior to booking my surgrey about high protien -low carb diets. I like you would have reconcidered if surgery was needed.

For me my sleeve op has been brilliant with me now fully into a full exercise program with no issues and getting fitter all the time.

I have yoyo dieted for years so for me my willpower and determination wasn't quiet strong enough. With my weight control getting worse each time after dieting by gaining a little more than previous high weights. Victoria x
Good luck hunnie xxxx
Wishing you all the best xx
Good luck. Same thing happened to me last September, was all ready to go and let doubts creep in. Said I can do this on my own. Come the following July was 14lbs heavier and decided enough was enough! And had a band fitted 2 weeks ago.
It is not for everyone and it is certainly not a miracle to weight loss. But for me it was the right decision and I am happy with it but I totally 100% understand were you are coming from.
You have to do what is right for you and what you feel comfortable with. Good luck with your journey :) and please stay around and share it will us!
Thanks for ur support guys. Im not 100% sure i can do it on my own but il give it a few months n see how i get on. Ultimately i think if im still this weight or bigger by christmas then im going under the knife. This is my last fat summer!!!

Thanks again


Good luck with everything, don't foget to put a exercise programme in place as well as the sensible eating. You don't have to do it alone, I'm sure support on diet and exercise will still be available here and there are other weight loss forums available.

All the best.
Good luck. Stop by anytime the recipe and exercise tips on here are still relevant to your new diet. All the best Xxxx
Lots of luck to you, and remember we're always here for you to moan at or to share you WL victories with.
Em xxxxx
Good luck with your decision. I know it is hard to reach but you must do what's best for you. You need to find a way of eating & living for the long haul not short term, that most suits you. I always found slimming world did help me but I needed to loose so much I always fell down after about 3 1/2 stones but they have lots of success with their members. Personally I feel that most ifus need some sort of support for our weight loss effort. Don't forget us & let us know how you are getting on.
Hi sm
I too made the decision you did when I was 26. Even though I did come back and have my bypass I have no regrets - I needed to know I was doing the right thing and that was the Erin time for me. I hope you can achieve your goals without surgery.
Well guys - a week before my appointment with my surgeon-i decided weight loss surgery is not for me. The doubts just all got too much and i feel i should be able to lose weight myself. Maybe not the massive amounts you all achieve but hopefully just get a bit healthier. Gona just try n have 3 sensible meals a day.

Thanks to everyone for the support along the way. I think yous are all great. Il be keeping an eye on the forum.

Much love,



Good luck to you Sarah. I hope things work out for you.
Andy x
WeLL Sara know that won't have been an easy decision to make. All the best for the future and if you can do it yourself thats brill no one will stand in your way, some can and some can't. Use the info you now have been armed with and exercise people have talked bout on here and you can acheive great things, stay strong and firm good luck brave lady xx