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Got 9lbs to loose in 9 days and haven't lost anything since Thursday


looking to make a change!
I need to loose 5% of my body weight to meet my surgeon and I haven't lost anymore since Thursday :(

I lost 12lbs in my first week and 3 lbs in my second and nothing has come off since Thursday.

I'm so worried I wont be able to get it off and it will go on for a 5th,6th + week (as they give you up to 9 weeks) until it comes off!

Can't bare the milk anymore. :cry:
Just keep on doing what ur doing hun and it will come off. have u looked into ways of flavouring the milk or making a milk pudding? Xxx
Thank you. yes I'm trying everything which has been advised to make it more interesting.

I don't really understand the concept of the milk. I have to have 6pts which I'm struggling to keep up with but trying to time it like medication so have it at 6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm and 9pm.
Thats really harsh. U are doing really well. If u are allowed coffee or decaf coffee maybe u could make some lattes. Good luck with it hon xxx
All I can advise is drinking peppermint tea with a nettle teabag in it. I do this when I may be retaining water. Add a little sweetner to help.

I hadn't lost anything between wednesday and friday, then this morning another 4lb come off. I am doing meal replacement though.

But I do make sure I drink my herbal tea :) Are you drinking enough water. Water retention (if thats what it is) can be combatted by drinking more water strangely enough.

Good luck!
Thank you for your replies sorry I should of said I don't drink tea or coffee but am drinking nas squash, perfectly clear water and the milk hot.

I'm just going to give it a damn good try this week I can only try my best. I've also got the gym tomo morning and aqua aerobics on tues, thurs and fri and the following tues morning before my appointment at the hospital.