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Group Session Sheffield Northern General Hospital


I have the group session on thursday morning. Hopefully all being well i should have the op around xmas/new year if Mr Ackroyd doesn't make me do a diet,

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Good Luck, honey :) I had my group session last August & my op (by Mr Ackroyd) in October ... very quick by any standards & now I am 8stone lighter :) xx
TwinkleTwinkle said:
Good Luck, honey :) I had my group session last August & my op (by Mr Ackroyd) in October ... very quick by any standards & now I am 8stone lighter :) xx

Im going away to turkey for 2 weeks in september and i know i cant have surgery for 6 weeks either side so I'm not worried having to wait a bit longer as don't want to cancel holiday as its been planned over 1 year

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At the meeting they will ask you what op you want. A little while later (in my case two months) you will have a meeting with consultant, at that time you can advise them when you are unavailable.

I went to see consultant but then was on holiday most of May, had my op last Monday
Good luck at the group session, I found it really helpful and the 2 nurses who ran it (Liz and Sophie I think) were lovely.
Went to group session, a lot i already knew but i asked questions anyway so they knew that i was definitely still interested. I told them yes at the end and i am on Mr Ackroyds list which i prefer anyway as cant find much on Mr Patel. Was told that i will get the clinic appointment in 4-6 weeks.

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Yay! That's you on your way now!
So happy for you:)
She also said that as already have funding approved any weight loss wont go against us and in fact they would prefer it to make it safer x

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Yes that's exactly what they said at my group session.
Hi Em

What happens now at next appointment n do i actually meet Mr Ackroyd on first appointment to tell him I'm wanting the Bypass x

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After that will be pre op assessment then actual op
You should meet either Mr Ackroyd or a member of his team to discuss what op is best for you, then it's your pre op, then your op!
I didn't meet Mr Ackroyd I met a Dr Martin, he was very pleasant and easy to talk to and was genuinely interested in what op I wanted and my reasons why.
Im hoping they don't do weight n height again as i cheated a little on that as i lost a bit of weight being ill n not being able to eat for 5 days. I put a load of change in pockets, keys, purse n phone also they have me 4cm shorter than i actually am as i slouched when the nurse looked up lol x

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They will do your weight and height again at your consultants appointment and at your pre op appt, but they're really pleased if you've managed to lose some weight.
At my pre op I'd lost 2kg and the nurse didn't notice the loss until I pointed it out.
Ultimately the healthier you are for your op the better and the surgeons like to see a weight loss as it shows commitment....so no need to worry!
Just got my appointment through to see mr ackroyd on 5th September only thing is time is no good coz of school runs, i have no one else who could pick my kids up and also i don't drive. Does anyone know if he does morning appointments as i would hate to have to turn down surgery after getting this far just because i cant make an afternoon appointment :(

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After school club or something? You can't miss this fab opportunity!!!
After school club finished at 6 but i have to get across sheffield n then a train n 2 buses. Don't think i would make it back in time :(

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Can family not help ? As Jo said you don't want to miss out
All my family also work n they have all said no time off available to take a holiday day. The only one who could do it lives a 5 hour drive away :(

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Sam, you can get the train to Chapeltown, it's nearer than Meadowhall to NGH, then would getting a taxi from the station to the hospital be an option?
My other half reckons it will only be about 10-15 mins in a taxi.
My appointment was at 2pm and I was in and out in about 20 minutes. It's your pre op that takes longer.
Em xxxx