New Member
Hi all, well as some of you may remember i was all anxious and excited after receiving my pre op assessment letter from sunderland royal last week to go for my pre op assessment today. Well it all started fine, seemed to be meeting all the criteria for surgery until the nurse mentioned that the op was to re-site my port and that i'd be in monday for op on tuesday. Fair enough you might think, but as yet i've had no surgeries and definately have no port to re-site, and according to mr small's registrar I was to be put forward for a bypass anyway. Anyway long story short after some investigating the nurse (who was an absolute star actually) found out that the hospital had made a right royal fluff up and that i was actually sitting in effectively for someone else's appointment, and it was them not me who will be going for surgery on monday. Well devastating as that was it only got worse, as after calling mr small's secretary on her boss's request to see if they could arrange another surgery date for me asap because of the confusion the poor nurse had to break it to me that my case hadn't even been discussed yet and that i have an appointment in june after which they will then discuss my case. The nurse and her boss told me to make a complaint as this is a 'critical incident' but I told them i didnt want to kick up a fuss (i was rather worried incase i cause myself further problems and end up no where near the list at all!) but after gentle persuasion from OH i spoke to someone from PALS who gave me a complaints pack and said she was going to look into how this happened and call me back by the end of today (not heard anything yet but will update as/when i do) The nurses at the PAAC also said they were going to make an incident report as this should never have happened, i really couldn't fault them, they did everything possible to try and get something sorted for me, but if i'm not even discussed yet there aint really much that can be done so i guess its just a waiting game until june now when i have to see mr small (or his registrar) again and take it from there all i can say is gutted gutted gutted aaarrrrrrggggh!