Day 2 and 3 post op
Hi everyone another update for you which is not quite so positive. Day after op I was feeling great as you all saw from my post, I was able to get down cups of tea,hot choc soup etc. Well I stayed in hospital 1 more night (Saturday) as my blood pressure was a bit low and I had a long drive home. When i woke up in the morning I felt terrible, pain, gas, wind, sickness oh it was horrible. I took some pain killers and was determined to get in the car and get home, BAD DECISION. For 5 hours I literally cried all the way home, hubby had foot to the floor, I couldn't get comfortable, the heat was givnging me panic attacks the pain was unbearable. By the time I got home I couldn't standup straight fell onto the sofa and didn't move for hours. However things did improve once I started burping some of the wind away so I just went to bed. All day i'd had no more than a small bottle of water. Slept all night but woke up with a stinking headache today, however no pain! I have been 'releasing' it at my leisure today as no one is at home

and feel so much better for it. However appetite is not there and so far today I have managed water, glass of milk (am suspicious milk is causing some of my gas problems so going to lay of this a while) and 4 table spoons of tomato soup. Sat in the bath and had a long shower too which does make you feel better. Oh and another thing, I've got to wear these post opsocks for 2/3 weeks! No chance of catching a bit of sun on my legs then whilst i am off! Having daily injections (which hubby does for me) each morning for next 5 days to prevent blood clots. Taking 2 pink anti acids meltlets each day for next 6 months (got to check that seems ages!) and haven't touched pain relief for 12hours now. It is disgusting and I am sure it disagrees with me and causes tummy pains. Also had a bit of a cough and brought up some nasty stuff which has gone straight into a tissue and in the bin, is that normal?
Also can anyone tell me how long this wind is going to be going on for? My gut feels like it is grumbling and gurgling all the time but not a hungry feeling ??
Thanks for all your comments and messages so far
CL x