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Halfway House !


Loves her gorgeous family
Probably not what anyone wants to hear but I am soo fed up.
I finished my 6 month weight management 3 weeks ago and am now WAITING for the NHS !!!
I know that I will receive a letter to go and have tests and then see the surgeon etc... but its the wait inbetween. 3 weeks ago I put 1kg on at my meeting and was gutted but I bet I have put at least another kg on since as I just cant get my head in the right place. I sent my GP a letter as I dont know if I am suppost to stay on xenical while waiting or not and they have not come back to me.
I have hardly been to the gym due to child care problems (my mum doesnt always offer)
Sorry for moaning I know I am very lucky to be at the stage I am and getting the nhs to fund me.
Thanks if you got this far
((((HUGS)))) hopefully u wont have to wait to long. Id book an app with GP to ask about tablets, and waiting lists etc xx
Hey so sorry to hear you struggling at the min, but you need to focus on the weight that you have lost so far and don't let things slip, You have done so well, Go and see your GP and see what they say about staying on the xenical while waiting.
I hope you hear something soon, try and keep focused and stay strong, You CAN do this x
thanks girls
oh fgs I just saw your photo's - you are an inspiration and look fantastic - when those jeans are too small for you I baggsy them (for when I lose all this weight) LOL super sexy xxx
:) hi fatbutnotforever,

i cant stand the waiting either so i know how you are feeling. Which Hospital are you being referred to? Is it Hope Manchester? Thats were i am.... have you thought about giving them a ring. Salski on minimins told me i should ring to see where my case was upto - then it all started to happen! The PCT phoned me one day last week to say i had funding, then the very next day i got a call from the surgeons team.... it went fromhearing nothing to it all happening. So my only little bit of advise is ask anyone who will listen to you :D
Definately ask your GP for help in the meantime!Good luck xxx
I know the waiting game is horrible and i hope that your appointments come through sooner rather than later. Sending you hugs with fairy dust to help you remain positive and focused x
Good luck

Try and take your mind off it, watched pot and all that. Not easy I know but it's only a tiny little part of you the world, the universe, your life, family, friends, everything else, get busy.

Hope this helps. We had a talk about NLP at my support group and a lot of it seemed to be about getting things in perspective. Not letting them consume you. Try googling neuro linguistic programming

All the best
I would take Sue's advice and give them a call, as it will give you an idea and you can set yourself up for it then. Try not to put the weight that you have lost back on, even maintaining it would be good.

Don't get disheartened it will be your turn soon xx