2nd timer
New Member
Had a horrific illness that required caustic meds which wrecked my beloved band :sigh:
Long nasty story , ended up having it removed last march
I've put six stones on in under two years and gone back to bad ways as I'm putting on weight eating fresh air so I ay as well eat things I couldn't have for so long
I was referred to a sleep clinic as my seeping n tiredness was awful. I had sleep apnoea n now sleep on a c pap machine n look like Hannibal lecter
hate it
Silver lining s now I wet requirements for NHS funding ! Got referred by clinic and gp and was seen in two weeks by Luton

Wonderful people n promise for revision to by pass or sleeve in four to six months
Really happy.
Anyone else been to Luton or had revisional surgery , or both? Live to hear from you
Long nasty story , ended up having it removed last march
I've put six stones on in under two years and gone back to bad ways as I'm putting on weight eating fresh air so I ay as well eat things I couldn't have for so long
I was referred to a sleep clinic as my seeping n tiredness was awful. I had sleep apnoea n now sleep on a c pap machine n look like Hannibal lecter
Silver lining s now I wet requirements for NHS funding ! Got referred by clinic and gp and was seen in two weeks by Luton
Wonderful people n promise for revision to by pass or sleeve in four to six months
Really happy.
Anyone else been to Luton or had revisional surgery , or both? Live to hear from you