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Have my funding


New Member
Well i thought i was just seeing the surgeon to see if i would get funding only to be told i have it already !! only went to see my gp 4 weeks ago to ask :eek:
Have to lose 2-3 stone and op is about 4-5 months eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!
Diet started, nerves shot :eek:
Woohoo wtg flower :):) made up for ya xxx
Great news get along to Slimming World and you wont look back knowing you will be having surgery at the end.
Great news well done!! Good luck with the diet x
Im back on my Rosemary Connolly diet and trying to walk every day even if its just round the block :) better get the dvd out and dust it off lol.
Im still very much in shock tbh but will lose the 38lb thanks for the encouragement but i feel very guilty when i know how hard others have fought to get their funding i was ready to fight my corner and wait.
I think it is amazing that you have got through easily and very exciting!!!

Good luck on your weight loss and your op :)
Fantastic news, I hope you dont have to wait too long
Im back on my Rosemary Connolly diet and trying to walk every day even if its just round the block :) better get the dvd out and dust it off lol.
Im still very much in shock tbh but will lose the 38lb thanks for the encouragement but i feel very guilty when i know how hard others have fought to get their funding i was ready to fight my corner and wait.

A big congrats on securing your funding....That is brilliant news and i'm chuffed for you.

I've been turned down in January because i hadn't seen a dietician for 6 months ( I finish my 6 months in about 4 weeks :D)

I was also diagnosed with Sleep apnoea in July and now have a CPAP to wear everytime i sleep :(

I'm seeing a Professor J. Alcolado in 2 weeks to see what he can do for me so i'm quitely confident i may get my funding soon ( Not counting me chickens though !!)

Keep us informed on your progress..i sincerely wish you all the best...and the fact you feel guilty of getting funding says what a nice person you are :)

Take Care

Andy x
I hope you get your funding soon Andy!!!!
I do feel very guilty when lovely people like Caren and you are having such and awful time getting help :(
I have banged my head on so many walls for so many years asking and begging for help i had just about given up i guess but 14lb down and 24lb to go by Jan/Feb so keeping focused :)
Wish i could have a big lotto win and get everyone done before Christmas xxxxxxxx
I hope you get your funding soon Andy!!!!
I do feel very guilty when lovely people like Caren and you are having such and awful time getting help :(
I have banged my head on so many walls for so many years asking and begging for help i had just about given up i guess but 14lb down and 24lb to go by Jan/Feb so keeping focused :)
Wish i could have a big lotto win and get everyone done before Christmas xxxxxxxx

Bless you hun...Our turn will come for sure,Just might be a bit more of a Bumpy ride that you had !:)

Like you say hun...keep focused and you'll get what you want & need :D

Keep in touch

Take Care

Andy xx
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thats fantastic, i have had to battle for two years and just found out this week from my gp that it has come through =D

but she also said that my pct have requested information to be sent back and she is now worried that they may change the decision depending on the details she provides :s can they actually do that??
thats fantastic, i have had to battle for two years and just found out this week from my gp that it has come through =D

but she also said that my pct have requested information to be sent back and she is now worried that they may change the decision depending on the details she provides :s can they actually do that??
yes, they may have said that the funding is secure as long as the gp comes back with blah blah blah, good luck honey xxx
Rosemary Connolly is great and a bit of a dance exercise at the end of class xx good luck :)
Emma i really hope they don't !!!! keeping my fingers crossed or you xxxx