Im Finally Getting There!
Hey i havent been on here for a few months which im very sorry for because i used to try be as supportive as i can but ive been rather useless for a while! for those of you who dont know me im Toni im now 23 (was my birthday a month ago) i started my journey last october when i was refferd, acepted in november then met my surgeon in december had all my tests by april and 2 weeks ago i had my mdt when they decided they wanted me to had a balloon fitted so i could loose some weight before my bypass because when i met my sergeon i was 176.5kg so i went in to discuss having my balloon last week but they weighed me and i was 154.4kg so i have lost 3.5 stone in 5 months, so they have decided they dont need me to have a balloon so im now officially on the waiting list and should have my op in the next 6-8 weeks omg im so nervous and excited omg omg omg its actually happening!!!!!!!!!!!