Hi Heatherlynn
Would just like to say welcome & congratulations on your fab weight loss so far. I haven't had my surgery yet, but I can imagine how disheartening it must be for you to plateau at this stage. Don't lose sight of how much weight you've lost in such a short time. I think the suggestion to see your dietician is a good one. Maybe keep a food diary of everything you eat & the amounts, then you can show your dietician & see if they can spot where you might be going wrong or what could be improved. Sometimes it just takes a fresh pair of eyes to look at things.
Have you got into a routine of eating the same things? Maybe you need to try & give your menus a bit of a shake up. I know it's not always easy but sometimes just a small change can make a difference.
I don't know whether you exercise or not, but trying a new exercise class or activity you can enjoy might help things.
Just a few suggestions I hope might help you. Good luck with the continued weight loss, I'm sure it will start again soon. You haven't got this far to just give up. I look forward to hearing about how you get on.
:welcome: Lynz x