Hi all,
Feels like I "know" some of you as I have been on here reading for about 6 months before plucking up the courage to join and introduce myself :wave_cry:
Sooooo I am nearly 36, married mum (2 girls aged 15 and 3) who works in the London as an EA. I weigh 19.7 stone and at 5ft 6inch I am classed as morbidly obese. I also suffer from PCOS and come from family history of Diabetes and Heart problems.
I have started a course of therapy which is one to one, along with CBT therapy and I am at last dealing with some of my weight issues, it is not easy but for the first time ever it seems "doable" if that makes sense. I am an emotional eater and for various reasons started to gain weight about 15 years ago and since then have steadily got heavier, despite trying all the normal diets. I also have quite a serious addiction to Diet Coke which I am trying to address.
I have made the decision to go with a band (I think!) and have been for two consultantions and have the last one booked for next weekend when I should make a decision on who to go with.
I suppose what I would really like is a) to be able to talk to like minded people and b) to ask a few questions if thats ok?
Anyway, nice to "meet" you all
Me x
Feels like I "know" some of you as I have been on here reading for about 6 months before plucking up the courage to join and introduce myself :wave_cry:
Sooooo I am nearly 36, married mum (2 girls aged 15 and 3) who works in the London as an EA. I weigh 19.7 stone and at 5ft 6inch I am classed as morbidly obese. I also suffer from PCOS and come from family history of Diabetes and Heart problems.
I have started a course of therapy which is one to one, along with CBT therapy and I am at last dealing with some of my weight issues, it is not easy but for the first time ever it seems "doable" if that makes sense. I am an emotional eater and for various reasons started to gain weight about 15 years ago and since then have steadily got heavier, despite trying all the normal diets. I also have quite a serious addiction to Diet Coke which I am trying to address.
I have made the decision to go with a band (I think!) and have been for two consultantions and have the last one booked for next weekend when I should make a decision on who to go with.
I suppose what I would really like is a) to be able to talk to like minded people and b) to ask a few questions if thats ok?
Anyway, nice to "meet" you all
Me x