New Member
Hello everyone, i have finally plucked up the courage to write a thread. i have never done this before, so i am very nervous but everyone seems so lovely and so many people are in the same boat - i am just looking for a bit of advise
I have so many questions i just don't know where to start. For the last couple of weeks i have been completely addicted to this site - i just wish i had found it along time ago! Well better late than never.
I suppose i should start with a bit about myself, my name is Sue, i am 36 (nearly 37) and married with 2 lovely kids. I have fought with my weight all of my adult life. Like most of the people i have been reading about , i have been on every diet and pill known to man, but unfortunately any success has been short lived and i have ended up putting on extra weight.
For the past 4 years i have been going to my GP for help, and for the last 3 years have been on Reductil (on and off). Till finally, last November, my hubby asked me to stop taking Reductil as my moods had become unbareable. This was a big thing as my hubby has never complained about my moods and OMG he has every reason too!! So i stopped taking the Reductil and decided to go back to my GP.
18 months ago a very close friend went to America to have the bypass surgery (and by the way he has done absoluely fantastic!!), and surgery has always been on my mind. But i always new it would be a last resort.
So i went to my GP and asked if i could be referred. He told me to go away, do my research and go back and see him if that was really what i wanted.
I went back in March to see my GP and told him that there was no doubt in my mind that surgery was the route i wanted to take. To my suprise he said he would refer me
to Hope Hospital in Manchester. Even though (at this stage) my BMI was 34. How lucky was I !!!
However he did tell me that there was no guarentee that i would be seen. So i just crossed my fingers (and everything else), and waited for the postman everyday.
I got an appointment!! I was so excited, i got an appointment to Dr News clinic on the 2nd April 09. Sorry justto let you know i live in Blackpool. So i dragged my hubby with me as i was so nervous and went to the appointment.
I saw a lovely Doctor, unfortunately i cant remember his name. He told me that my BMI was now 35. After a long chat he suggested that i go back on Reductil (and double the dose) and reduce my calorie intake to 800. I cant even describe how i felt, i could feel myself filling up and just said "please don't put me back on them!"
He asked if i had thought about surgery, and i told him how i felt. He then said he would refer me to the Surgeon, that my operation would be done in Spire Hospital, Manchester, before which he wanted me to go for a sleep apnea test. He then asked if i had any questions???? OMG ! I again was in shock. All i could think to ask was "What about funding?" , He said that it had been agreed.
So there you have it (so sorry for waffling
), that was nearly 2 weeks ago and i don't know what is going to happen next. Please, i just want you all to know that i do realise how lucky i am getting funding after reading so many stories on here. But i would just like to know if anyone has been in the same situation as me. Also, as my BMI is 35 (it is usually alot higher but i am fighting to keep the pound off!) does it mean that i will have alot longer on the waiting list??
The doctor did say that Dr Amouri would be the surgeon - he seems an incredibly busy man with a huge fan club on this forum.
I would love to hear from anyone with any advise
Hello everyone, i have finally plucked up the courage to write a thread. i have never done this before, so i am very nervous but everyone seems so lovely and so many people are in the same boat - i am just looking for a bit of advise
I have so many questions i just don't know where to start. For the last couple of weeks i have been completely addicted to this site - i just wish i had found it along time ago! Well better late than never.
I suppose i should start with a bit about myself, my name is Sue, i am 36 (nearly 37) and married with 2 lovely kids. I have fought with my weight all of my adult life. Like most of the people i have been reading about , i have been on every diet and pill known to man, but unfortunately any success has been short lived and i have ended up putting on extra weight.
For the past 4 years i have been going to my GP for help, and for the last 3 years have been on Reductil (on and off). Till finally, last November, my hubby asked me to stop taking Reductil as my moods had become unbareable. This was a big thing as my hubby has never complained about my moods and OMG he has every reason too!! So i stopped taking the Reductil and decided to go back to my GP.
18 months ago a very close friend went to America to have the bypass surgery (and by the way he has done absoluely fantastic!!), and surgery has always been on my mind. But i always new it would be a last resort.
So i went to my GP and asked if i could be referred. He told me to go away, do my research and go back and see him if that was really what i wanted.
I went back in March to see my GP and told him that there was no doubt in my mind that surgery was the route i wanted to take. To my suprise he said he would refer me
However he did tell me that there was no guarentee that i would be seen. So i just crossed my fingers (and everything else), and waited for the postman everyday.
I got an appointment!! I was so excited, i got an appointment to Dr News clinic on the 2nd April 09. Sorry justto let you know i live in Blackpool. So i dragged my hubby with me as i was so nervous and went to the appointment.
I saw a lovely Doctor, unfortunately i cant remember his name. He told me that my BMI was now 35. After a long chat he suggested that i go back on Reductil (and double the dose) and reduce my calorie intake to 800. I cant even describe how i felt, i could feel myself filling up and just said "please don't put me back on them!"
He asked if i had thought about surgery, and i told him how i felt. He then said he would refer me to the Surgeon, that my operation would be done in Spire Hospital, Manchester, before which he wanted me to go for a sleep apnea test. He then asked if i had any questions???? OMG ! I again was in shock. All i could think to ask was "What about funding?" , He said that it had been agreed.
So there you have it (so sorry for waffling
The doctor did say that Dr Amouri would be the surgeon - he seems an incredibly busy man with a huge fan club on this forum.
I would love to hear from anyone with any advise