New Member
I had a gastric band fitted on 24th may so still all very new to me. Just thought i would introduce myself on here. I am 27 years old and have struggled with my weight for ages, I have always been overweight even as a child but when I was 17 I had to go on steriods for Crohns disease and the weight piled on - put on about 4 stone in 2 months even though diet did not change!!:sigh:
In the end the steriods did not work and I had an ileostomy formed. Since then i have not been able to get the weight off, have tried everything but end up losing ablout 1-2 stone then putting it all and more back on!!
I met a lovely man and got married in July 2010 but then in November 2010 I developed severe tummy pains and many, many investigations later they still do not know the cause of them
I began thinking that weight loss might help here! We have also been trying for children for the past 2 years with no luck and were refered to fertility clinic only to be turned away as I was overweight and have to lose 7 stone before they will see me :sigh:
Last year my mum who is also overweight had a bypass and has had amazing results so I decided to take the plunge and have a gastric band fitted (as I can't have a bypass)
. Went to the doctors to ask about having it done on the NHS to be told I was a long way off being heavy enough to have it on the NHS so we have paid privatly.
Well there is my story/journey in a nutshell
I am really excited about this new journey I am on
Sarah xx
I had a gastric band fitted on 24th may so still all very new to me. Just thought i would introduce myself on here. I am 27 years old and have struggled with my weight for ages, I have always been overweight even as a child but when I was 17 I had to go on steriods for Crohns disease and the weight piled on - put on about 4 stone in 2 months even though diet did not change!!:sigh:
In the end the steriods did not work and I had an ileostomy formed. Since then i have not been able to get the weight off, have tried everything but end up losing ablout 1-2 stone then putting it all and more back on!!
I met a lovely man and got married in July 2010 but then in November 2010 I developed severe tummy pains and many, many investigations later they still do not know the cause of them
Last year my mum who is also overweight had a bypass and has had amazing results so I decided to take the plunge and have a gastric band fitted (as I can't have a bypass)
Well there is my story/journey in a nutshell
I am really excited about this new journey I am on
Sarah xx